Murrayfield better than Hampden, but transport issues needs sorting.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Murrayfield better than Hampden, but transport issues needs sorting.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:42 am

Yesterday was a Beautiful Sunday for the supporters of the Famous Glasgow Celtic. The Treble Treble is still on, and the two teams we dislike the most were both beaten in the semi-final.

A cup final against Sevco is not an enjoyable event, it’s great to beat them certainly, but their support bring nothing but Hatred and Sectarian Bile to any event they participate in, so many of our supporters won’t take the children, and some won’t go at all, and that’s not acceptable, but until someone in the Football Authorities does something about it, it won’t change.

I have to say that Murrayfield is a far better stadium the Hampden in almost every aspect, but the logistics of getting an extra 27,000 supporters there is a major problem, I got home to Port Glasgow sixty miles away over three hours after the match ended.

According to reports there were problems in every mode of transport. Traffic on the roads for coaches and cars was extremely busy, and that was on a Sunday, there were reports of long queues at railway and tram stations, so that would need to be sorted out if another semi or final was to be held there.

The Celtic display was excellent, especially in the second half when every player played very well, with Ryan Christie having his best game for the Hoops. I have always liked Ryan, he has a great work ethic, and there is always a goal in him, and that is very important to get goals from midfield.

I think the ticket split for the final should be sorted sooner rather than later. I’m certain Aberdeen will do what they always do and ask for a 50/50 split, well based on the amount they sold for the semi-final, that should be kicked into the long grass (preferably at Tynecastle). The Dons will argue it’s a final and it’s their right, but that doesn’t hold water after yesterday.

Getting back to yesterday, it was a fantastic Celtic Support that made their way to the capital for the match. They were in good voice throughout the game, and gave the team a lift when needed, that’s why it’s called supporting your team. Hopefully on December 2nd we will complete the first part of the Treble Treble.

We can now look forward to Wednesday night at Dundee, and next Saturday at Celtic Park against the Jambo’s again. Hopefully by the Saturday night we will be back at the top of the league where we belong.

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