"Anti-Racism March and Rally"

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

"Anti-Racism March and Rally"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:26 pm

[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]STUC St Andrew's Day[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Anti-Racism March and Rally[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Saturday 26 November 2011[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]“No Racism – There is a Better Way” [COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]March Assembles 10.30 am Glasgow Green[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Not St Andrew's in the Square as previously advertised[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]March off 11.00 am[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Rally 12 noon Glasgow Film Theatre, Rose Street, Glasgow[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Speakers include :[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Mike Kirby (STUC President)[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Humza Yousaf MSP[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Michael McMahon MSP[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Zita Holbourne (BARAC)[COLOR=#000000:eb0491c7]Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh (Ethnic Minority Women's Network)

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