"Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:53 pm

[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]If Celtic captain Scott Brown was guilty of anything on Saturday, it was of being too honest and up-front; unlike another one of Scottish Football’s sneaky cowards Jamie Hamill. That two-bit nobody has a long history of kicking all the wee young Celtic players who he has played against; usually from behind their backs.[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]They didn’t look like a team that was playing with a lack of commitment because of their treatment by the owner of their club; quite the contrary; the treatment room at Lennoxtown will be busy today; young James Forrest was singled out for special treatment; we even had that other half-wit Gary Locke having a go at him at full time.[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]It might not have been our best display this season; but it was a great three points to win; particularly when we seem to be getting another load of “HONEST MISTAKES” from the Disciples of Dallas; it will be really interesting to see who get the game on December 28th.[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]Wednesday is stage 3 of the proposed new bill for offensive behaviour at football and communications. We hope to have a few people through to the parliament to try to put pressure on the Government to withdraw the new legislation; anyone who is free would be very welcome.[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]I don’t want to turn this into a political debate; but I have to say this; we asked to meet with several SNP MSP’s; including Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Neil; the only one who met with us was Humza Yousaf; I think that says more about them; than it does about us.[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]Salmond is determined to use his majority to introduce this new bill; even if that were to happen; the fight doesn’t end there; we need to ensure that we continue to fight on; and offer support to anyone who is unfairly arrested and charged.[COLOR=#000000:7b543616]The next few months will be the test; I believe we have made good progress lately through communication and debate; if Salmond thinks he can batter us into submission; the History is obviously not one of his strong points; that’s if he actually has a strong point.


Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:24 pm

Even if it is passed, any convictions could be challenged through the courts, all the way to Strasbourg. This bill, if it becomes law, will eventually be struck down.


Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:42 pm

isn't the bill to stop offensive singing? surely thats quite a good thing!

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Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby hen1rik » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:44 pm

Hi all this article below is a must read and please forward this to your local MSP.

‘Hate Data’ destroyed as Salmond’s SNP fear Independent Scotland viewed as ‘Too Sectarian’ to join predominantly Catholic European Union

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Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby hen1rik » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:39 pm

Hi Joe perhaps you should pass this on to Mr Lawell.

What a set up. We showed up McAskill after league cup final. This is payback. The FIFA supporters of the year not long ago mind. We are being bullied on all fronts now. I’ve had a SB for as long as I remember but if our board don’t help us here then I’m out. The treatment of our fans is despicable and as a customer I have choices. I understand the downsizing to a point but I don’t understand why any of us should put up with this crap. And this is only the start. I couldn’t walk in to the stadium in the knowledge PL etc have allowed this to happen to us. Mr. Kelly would bring Gaelic games to the Park. Very very sad day. HH.

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Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby gert/canada » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:35 pm

Joe, just read the article on the Scottish Law . This is absolutely outrageous . These articls should be sent to the European Parliment. Why has'nt Dr John Reid got involved, after all he started the fight for fair play.We need every person in the public eye to speak out about this. The church also has to do it's part.
Keep up the fight mate.
HH Gert

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Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby Stanshoops » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:29 am

So now we have been fined and our hard earned reputation has been sullied, it makes no odds whether its appealed or not sh*t sticks as they say, what are the board going to do now. They again seem quite ready to accept a sanction from an outside body if it suits their agenda to control the fans in what they sing and chant -whether this is true or not does not matter - it looks that way to many. Unfortunately neither UEFA nor our own board will clarify to us just what exactly constitutes "illicit" singing or chanting. The official Club statement on the website is a missed opportunity - if they needed one - to give their view and backing to the fight against this treatment of our fans and Club. What is the next step from the CSA ?

Hail Hail

irish eyes
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Re: "Scott Brown is too honest for Sneaks like Hamill"

Postby irish eyes » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:00 pm

This new law is crazy imho it's like being fined for speeding when no one has set a speed limit.

We've got some fantastic Celtic and Irish songs so let's sing them and stand proud, we don't need to sing anything that causes our club to be fined. We really have to get real about all of this, cut some of the songs/chants and enjoy supporting the team in the right way. I am proud to be Irish and a Celtic fan so let's get on and show we can do it.

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