Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
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Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:22 pm

[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]If it is the intention of the authorities in Scotland, both civil and football, to make life so unbearable for Neil Lennon that he will pack up and move his family elsewhere to ply his trade, then the latest slap to his face might just about do the trick.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]The decision to reduce the charge against those who sent Neil bombs through the post is astonishing, the crown office have had more than ample time to prepare a case, so I find it strange that the judge feels they have insufficient evidence to gain a conviction.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]I thought when John Wilson was found Not Proven in Edinburgh of assaulting Neil (the assault was seen on video all over the world, but wasn’t shown to the jury in court), a lesson would have been learned, but clearly that is not the case, Paul Mc Bride must be turning in his grave.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]Lord Turnbull’s decision to instruct the jury that a conviction could not be reached for the charge of Conspiracy to Murder charge, and now consider it as a Conspiracy to Assault is quite amazing, now in this wonderful little country of ours it is deemed that singing The Boys of the Old Brigade, carries a far longer prison sentence than sending devices through the post, I wonder if King Alex will have any comment to make.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]I always believed that if you went into a shop with an imitation gun with intent to rob the shop, you would rightly be charged with Armed Robbery, not Dummy Gun Robbery. I also remember the police being exonerated for shooting a man carrying the leg of a table; obviously because they believed it was a firearm and posed a serious threat.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]I really can’t understand how the law works in Scotland, but from a layman’s point of view, it looks like Neil Lennon is a separate entity to rest of Scottish Society, has there ever been a football manager in world football who has had to put up with this amount of personal abuse? Most certainly not.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]The latest attack on Lenny from the refereeing family comes from ex-referee Kenny Clark, ironically he now works full time as a Lawyer. Why does he feel the need to add his comments to a situation that no longer concerns him? Is his intention to influence the thinking of the panel who will sit in judgement of Lenny?[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]Guys like Clark and Stuart Dougall are always available for comments when Celtic are involved, both of these ex-referees were always involved in some controversy when they officiated at matches involving Celtic, and Neil Lennon in particular in Dougall’s case.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]Neil Lennon is not allowed to question a referee for decisions made that involve our team, but any Tom, Dick, or Harry can make comments in the media about Neil’s behaviour, maybe Stewart Regan needs to get a firmer grip on comments made by people who should really know better.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]What Clark and Dougall do now with their free time does not concern me unless it is detrimental to Celtic Football Club, I am sure they will receive rapturous applause as they tell audiences at Burn’s Supper’s for years to come about the part they played in Scottish Football.[/COLOR:4b066041][COLOR=#000000:4b066041]After recent developments it would not surprise me in the slightest if Lenny decided to look elsewhere to further his career as a football manager. In football terms he must be completely disillusioned with the whole sorry mess that is Scottish Football, he will soon be spending more time at the offices of the SFA than at Lennoxtown.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]As for his personal life, this ordinary working man can’t go out for a drink or meal with his family and friends without being abused, threatened, or assaulted, I’m sure there would be plenty of clubs in England who would be only too happy to offer him a job.[COLOR=#000000:4b066041]If it indeed comes to that then there will be a few people in Scotland who should hang their heads in shame, the biggest crime Neil has committed has been his love of Celtic Football Club, and being a Roman Catholic born in the north of the island of Ireland.

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Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby celticfanzone » Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:42 pm

Another great article Joe, except you forgot to mention the Catholic bit at the end. Northern Irish Catholic who loves Celtic Football Club. In some people's book, those three things make him a criminal and a legitimate target.


Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:50 pm

it will when you have clowns like dougal saying after the cup final that the contact on stokesy was minimal so it was not a penalty willie got it right yet move on ome week and he says regarding cha on wallace the the contact was minimal but it was a foul he was last man so red card one more step and it would have been a penalty. so according to this idiot if minimal contact on a celtic player is not a foul/penalty but when comited by a celtic player it's always penilised.the club had better get on top of this as it has went on long enough or we are going to lose our manager and some of our players

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Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby offshorebhoy » Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:09 pm

Yes a think it just might joe and to be honest i hope it does the guys head must be in a right mess at the minute don't take that the wrong way am a big neil lennon fan he lives and breaths the football club like the guy paying at the gate a love the man but for his own well being and safety a double win then leave with his head held high but if he dosen't leave i will be the happiest celtic supporter on the planet but enough is enough. Hail hail

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
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Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:24 pm

I left that our deliberately mate, but i might jus add it now.


Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:44 pm

I believe that Lenny will walk with pride when he leaves and the scottish game and other people within the game will finally take its toll on him can see him moving to a championship side and becoming successful taking the team he manages to the premiership within 2 years. sorry to see him go but like everyone says enough is enough lenny its not worth getting seriously harmed or even killed for...


Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:58 pm

Excellent piece of writing Joe

[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]If it is the intention of the authorities in Scotland, both civil and football, to make life so unbearable for Neil Lennon that he will pack up and move his family elsewhere to ply his trade, then the latest slap to his face might just about do the trick.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]The decision to reduce the charge against those who sent Neil bombs through the post is astonishing, the crown office have had more than ample time to prepare a case, so I find it strange that the judge feels they have insufficient evidence to gain a conviction.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]I thought when John Wilson was found Not Proven in Edinburgh of assaulting Neil (the assault was seen on video all over the world, but wasn’t shown to the jury in court), a lesson would have been learned, but clearly that is not the case, Paul Mc Bride must be turning in his grave.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]Lord Turnbull’s decision to instruct the jury that a conviction could not be reached for the charge of Conspiracy to Murder charge, and now consider it as a Conspiracy to Assault is quite amazing, now in this wonderful little country of ours it is deemed that singing The Boys of the Old Brigade, carries a far longer prison sentence than sending devices through the post, I wonder if King Alex will have any comment to make.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]I always believed that if you went into a shop with an imitation gun with intent to rob the shop, you would rightly be charged with Armed Robbery, not Dummy Gun Robbery. I also remember the police being exonerated for shooting a man carrying the leg of a table; obviously because they believed it was a firearm and posed a serious threat.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]I really can’t understand how the law works in Scotland, but from a layman’s point of view, it looks like Neil Lennon is a separate entity to rest of Scottish Society, has there ever been a football manager in world football who has had to put up with this amount of personal abuse? Most certainly not.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]The latest attack on Lenny from the refereeing family comes from ex-referee Kenny Clark, ironically he now works full time as a Lawyer. Why does he feel the need to add his comments to a situation that no longer concerns him? Is his intention to influence the thinking of the panel who will sit in judgement of Lenny?[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]Guys like Clark and Stuart Dougall are always available for comments when Celtic are involved, both of these ex-referees were always involved in some controversy when they officiated at matches involving Celtic, and Neil Lennon in particular in Dougall’s case.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]Neil Lennon is not allowed to question a referee for decisions made that involve our team, but any Tom, Dick, or Harry can make comments in the media about Neil’s behaviour, maybe Stewart Regan needs to get a firmer grip on comments made by people who should really know better.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]What Clark and Dougall do now with their free time does not concern me unless it is detrimental to Celtic Football Club, I am sure they will receive rapturous applause as they tell audiences at Burn’s Supper’s for years to come about the part they played in Scottish Football.[/COLOR:efb1c61c][COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]After recent developments it would not surprise me in the slightest if Lenny decided to look elsewhere to further his career as a football manager. In football terms he must be completely disillusioned with the whole sorry mess that is Scottish Football, he will soon be spending more time at the offices of the SFA than at Lennoxtown.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]As for his personal life, this ordinary working man can’t go out for a drink or meal with his family and friends without being abused, threatened, or assaulted, I’m sure there would be plenty of clubs in England who would be only too happy to offer him a job.[COLOR=#000000:efb1c61c]If it indeed comes to that then there will be a few people in Scotland who should hang their heads in shame, the biggest crime Neil has committed has been his love of Celtic Football Club, and being a Roman Catholic born in the north of the island of Ireland.

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Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby hen1rik » Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:56 pm

Anyone seen this.

@CelticNetwork11: SNP in Secret talks with Rangers* ? - http://t.co/8OE3EZbs via @CelticNetwork11

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Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby pensionerbhoy » Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:11 am

Been away, Joe, and not had the chance till now to show, with great sadness, my support for your proposition. I am not sure that for Lenny it necessarily will boil down to his religion or 'living' conditions. Over the years a number of Catholics and Celtic supporters have had not dissimilar experiences though I would accept very few, if any, to the same degree. They have seen the difficulties through. I think it will be more the realisation that, if recent events and media comments are anything to go by, Scotland does not recognise the core virtues of morality, tolerance, integrity, justice or honour, not just in football, but in the whole of society. In many countries with a similar ethos, if there is the choice, individuals will decide it is no longer desirable to live under these conditions. I have often maintained western corruption to be far more dangerous because it is a silent, insidious enemy of the people, masked by plaudits, honours and awards, veiled as opposed to the in-your-face abuse seen in third world countries.
As regards our referee 'friends', I can only think back to the words of Big Jock. He claimed that Celtic have to play against 13 every game. It is just the way it is and the team needs to prepare for it.
Sad but very thoughtful and sympathetic piece, Joe. H H.

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Re: Will this whole sorry mess finally drive Lenny out of Scotland?

Postby pensionerbhoy » Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:22 am

Hi hen1rik
Was mentioned on R Clyde phone in yesterday but the 'gurus' :D hadn't heard of it and completely doubted it.
P.S. Would never listen to Scottish sports broadcasts and have not read a mainstream paper of any sort for 30+ years. I went in to listen to the gurus making a complete proverbial of the meaning of a CVA as referred to in another Celtic forum. Just in case you thought I was being a traitor to the media boycott. :mad:

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