Lenny, Madden, and Fixture Chaos !!

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Lenny, Madden, and Fixture Chaos !!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:21 am

I’ve been banging on about the competence of Scottish Football referees and linesmen for as long as I can remember, and probably so has Neil Lennon. Thank God Lenny came out at the weekend and slaughtered the personification of incompetence referee Kevin Clancy, I only wish others would do the same.

We saw the same incompetence yesterday at Pittodrie through the eyes of that well known Celtic hater Bobby Madden, although I certainly don’t think that Madden and Clancy make decisions because of lack of experience, or “Genuine and Honest Mistakes” I believe they make these decisions for more sinister reasons. Madden because of his hatred of Celtic and to keep in the good books of a Mr Hugh Dallas, and Clancy probably just because of the latter, no referee can make progress and climb the ladder at UEFA without the backing of that other well-known Celtic hater Dallas.

I have always said the time to complain is when you win, if you complain when you don’t win it is just dismissed as sour grapes, I sincerely hope that Brendan and Celtic make reference to Madden’s contribution yesterday at Aberdeen. First of all you would say he called both red cards correctly, Lustiig got a second yellow for gross stupidity, and Cosgrove a straight red for assault, but he missed Logan (COWARD) attempting to crash the ball into Broony while he was lying on the ground, and many more incidents.

Madden even outed himself during the incident when he failed to stop the game when Kris Ajer suffered a head wound when he clashed with Jozo. When the Celtic supporters were singing “We know you’re a Hvn” he responding by raising his arm a couple of times, and eventually turning to face the Celtic support as if to agree with that and face them down.

I wonder if the Compliance Officer Tony McGlennan will do something this morning about serial offender Logan, he has a long history of getting involved in mischief when Celtic batter Aberdeen. Or is McGlennan really busy still deciding what to do about the awarding illegally of a UEFA licence to Oldco Rangers? He has had five months to study the evidence, all the evidence is already available through the Resolution 12 Bhoys, or the High Court minutes from the Craig Whyte trial, so to wait five months with absolutely No Comment whatsoever is criminal in itself, and “Gross Imcompitence”.

Supporters of all clubs can help to give Mr McGlennan a shove in the right direction by signing the petition below. Remember, this is not a Celtic v Oldco argument, although Celtic were the club most affected by the decision in the loss of European income, this is a case of Oldco/SFA versus the rest of Scottish Football, so please sign.

https://twitter.com/Themis1888/status/9 ... twterm%5E0

A wee word on the chaos expected when we come to the split, one or two teams are going to have to go to Ibrox for a third visit this season, instead of an even 2 home 2 away split. Just who at the SPL thought that the top six at the split was not going to be Celtic – Aberdeen – Sevco – Hibs – Hearts – and one other? We played Sevco and Aberdeen away, and Hibs and Hearts at Celtic Park in the first quarter. Sevco played all four teams at home in the first quarter, was that to give them an easier start and hopefully they would amass a few points? Because it obviously means they are due to play the four teams away from home if they all make the top six. Corruption is Alive and Well in Scottish Football.

I keep saying it, the supporters of the honest teams need to wake-up and get themselves organised. Celtic and their supporters can’t do it on their own, but we will never give up trying, you are only beaten when you stop trying, and we won’t stop.

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