What's next? No Catholic's !!!!

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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What's next? No Catholic's !!!!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed May 30, 2018 12:15 pm

Maybe when Dodgy Dave King conned his way back into Scottish Football, with the assistance of Stewart Regan and a few others, they should have just asked him to either take over completely, or to rewrite the rules to suit his own agenda.

For all right thinking people it was astonishing that he was passed to be Fit & Proper in the first place, but then again, when you ask the person applying to pass themselves as Fit & Proper, what other outcome would you expect?

King should have failed in at least two different counts. First he was part of the board of Oldco Rangers who went into administration. He also opposed the application for a CVA which could have stopped the club being liquidated, and therefore ceasing to exist.

The other count is obviously his admission of guilt in tax evasion in South Africa. He agreed to pay R706.7 million or face over 80 years in prison. He was called a “Glib and Shameless Liar” by a High Court Judge in South Africa, but hey, that goes for nothing when it comes to the SFA.

King’s actions over the last few weeks are worrying for everyone outside of Sevco and their followers. He appears to be pandering to the most hard core of his club’s followers, and they don’t need a lot of encouragement to go into attack mode.

His unilateral decision to cut Celtic’s ticket allocation was a two pronged attack. First of all it lets him sell more season tickets to the gullible followers and get the cash up front. Secondly it is an attempt to stop the Celtic Support singing and dancing at the Bigot Dome 30 minutes after all their followers have left.

He then demanded an inquiry into allegations made against non-executive SFA board member Gary Hughes for comments made about the Oldco Rangers Support twelve years ago, what took King so long to make his complaint? After all, Hughes has been in his position for three years !!!

King’s latest target is SPFL Chairman Murdoch MacLennan, and what is his crime? He has business links to Dermot Desmond. It would appear that anyone in authority with any connection whatsoever to Celtic Football Club must be removed with immediate effect, even though his Managing Director Stewart Robertson had no objection to the connection.

What will be King’s next move? Go back to the old days of No Catholic’s at Ibrox? It would certainly appeal to a fair number of their followers. You only have to look at the abuse levelled at Graeme Murty when things were not going to plan, all of a sudden his family were all Celtic fans.

And even more recently the abuse aimed at Michael O’Halloran on the internet when it was revealed that he sat amongst the Celtic Supporters at Hampden during the Scottish Cup Final against Motherwell.

It all adds up to King’s plan to keep control of Sevco even though they have failed miserably since he took over, all the promises of war chests have been shown to be lies. Sevco have been surviving on soft loans from the 3 Bears, it has yet to be determined if they will receive a European Licence to play in Europe this season.

One thing is certain, Peter Lawwell will sleep easy in his bed at night, as will Dermot Desmond. When they look across the city they must chuckle to themselves and think back a couple of years. Proper businessmen react to certain situations, if it needs changing, then change, that’s what Peter and Dermot did, they brought in Brendan Rodgers, and more importantly, they backed him with hard cash to achieve his objectives.

Glasgow’s still Green & White.

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