A shocking appointment of officials for the Derby.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

A shocking appointment of officials for the Derby.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:42 am

I’m not going to waste my time writing direct to Ian Maxwell at the SFA, I’ve did that on numerous occasions and I think I got a reply twice. I think I can assume that Mr Maxwell and I support different teams in Scotland. I’ll just put this out as an open letter to him.

Dear Mr Maxwell,
I was somewhat bemused by the appointment of John Beaton and his accomplices to officiate at the Glasgow Derby on Sunday coming. Of all the incompetent officials you have at your disposal, you, through the puppet that is Head of Refereeing Crawford Allan, have appointed the officials who have been the most controversial over the last few seasons.

The four officials appointed have all been involved in decisions which would appear to favour the blue side of the Derby, who can forget Douglas Ross screaming Red Card, Red Card, Red Card through his microphone when getting Big Jozo sent off at Ibrox, sadly for Ross the Celts still went on to win the match with ten men.

But of course the one who really sticks out is John Beaton. It was only back in December 2018 that Beaton refused to take action against Morelos on three separate occasions. It resulted in Celtic Football Club asking for Beaton to explain his decisions, a plea that was declined by the SFA, strangely Ryan Christie received a two match ban for a similar incident to one of the ones involving Morelos when the last Derby took place at Celtic Park in December.

The Celtic Supporters have known for years that the Refereeing Fraternity in Scotland was crammed with people with an anti-Celtic agenda, it just shows how good Celtic have been in these last three season when we’ve managed to win all the major trophies, despite the officiating at the matches.

You and Mr Allan know exactly who you are appointing to this match, you know that Rangers cannot afford to lose this match, because that would virtually end their season, and they would be trophyless once again. You also know it means Celtic are only one step away from Ten in a Row, a thought that sends shivers down the back of all the Rangers minded people, and I include you and Beaton in that group. The eyes of the sporting world will be watching, will they see an honest display from the officials?

Another major issue that needs addressing sooner rather than later. The COVID-19 Virus is affecting sport throughout Europe, and especially in Italy and Germany. If matches are to be played behind closed doors, then that decision, or a decision to close the season should be taken now. It would be totally unfair to have Celtic play at Ibrox to a stadium with 49,000 Rangers supporters in attendance, and then possibly have to play them again in a couple of weeks within an empty Celtic Park.

Equally, if the season was to be brought to an end now, then all that would be required would be parity. That would mean that all the teams in the four Leagues would have played an equal amount of games. That would ensure that the final league position would determine winners, and promotion and demotion.

These decisions would have to be agreed by all the clubs, so an emergency meeting would have to be called. That is the job of the SFA/SPL, please get on with
It.Yours in Football,
Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association.

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