Support our Club, and know our enemy.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Support our Club, and know our enemy.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 11, 2020 12:25 pm

Peter Lawwell has always stated that Celtic Football Club has a “Stand Alone” financial policy, that policy has never been more important than at this very time, during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Every professional football club, is under financial pressure, and that includes ourselves at Celtic FC.

A club like Celtic doesn’t wing it, or play off the cuff when it comes to finances. There has to be a plan in place, that plan would probably be a projected income and outgoing for 4/5 seasons, of course it’s not an exact science, there will be variables, but the basics will be season ticket money and sponsor money for income, and obviously staff wages will be our biggest outlay.

That’s why we need the very best business brains working for us, and I think we are in the best place possible in that respect. But football is very competitive, every club wants the best for themselves, that’s understandable. I like to think that the people working for Celtic at the very top level of management are Celtic people, they might not have started out that way, but like a lot of players, once you’re part of the Celtic Family, you’re one for life.

The same would be said of Newco, they seem to attract a certain type, who quite frankly they’re welcome to. But in these dark days it’s very apparent that there are those types at other clubs also, we always knew that, but it’s more public now. So when Sevco were looking for backers in their manufactured war with the SPFL, they knew exactly where their accomplices were, and they have now shown their faces.

I’ve always said it’s important to know your enemy, it’s also important that you understand, that the enemy of your enemy, is not necessarily your friend, that also is becoming very clear now with the revelations coming out. Tomorrow will clear it up for sure, if Sevco somehow manage to get 32 clubs to back them, then we might as well pack up and go our own way.

We need to look after ourselves in this crisis, because we all know no-one else will. It’s important that as many supporters as possible renew their season tickets as soon as it’s practicable to do so, and I stress, that’s those who can afford to do so without it having a negative impact on themselves or their families.

I certainly believe that the new Adidas Kit deal would have blown all our previous deals out of the water, that’s not going to happen anytime soon, that will be a hit to our finances for the new season. I’m not sure we will even see the new kit on the release date of July 1st. we would have been looking at record sales, which will be needed for our assault on Ten in a Row, and hopefully completing the Historic Quadruple Treble.

Tomorrow will bring some answers, I think on May 25th decisions have to be made with UEFA with regards to European competition next season. Will the season start any time soon? I honestly don’t see it happening, and I cannot see how UEFA can possibly run their competitions in the normal format. So again I stress. We as Celtic Supporters need to back our club to the best of our ability. And I will also stress, any supporter who cannot commit financially to that at this present time, then the door should remain open to you until such times that you can.

Take care and stay safe everyone. Glasgow will Always be Green & White.

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