An open letter to Ian Maxwell and the SFA !!!

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

An open letter to Ian Maxwell and the SFA !!!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:11 pm

My plan for today was to write once again to SFA Chief Executive Ian Maxwell, but since Mr Maxwell doesn’t answer my emails I won’t waste my time. People like Maxwell and Rod Petrie think they are above the everyday football supporter, that’s always been the case in my time, they think the ordinary everyday football supporter is here to provide them with a comfy chair, both at Hampden Park, and while flying all over the world, and all the trappings of grandeur they think goes with their positions within Scottish Football.

I would like to ask Mr Maxwell why he has sat back and let FIFA/UEFA dictate to professional clubs that they need to let their players fly all around the world during a pandemic which has killed over one million people so far. Obviously the most successful clubs provide the most of these players, and therefore are most at risk, and that club in Scotland is undoubtedly Glasgow Celtic FC. We have now lost the services of at least three first pick players for Sunday’s Glasgow Derby, and we still have Wednesday night’s games to contend with.

The players involved health comes first, that goes without saying, and that should always be the case. So why should we increase the chances of them catching the virus by letting them meet up with teammates from all over the world? Celtic have stated quite clearly that they have tested our players over 2,000 times without having one positive case, so when our players leave the relative safety of Lennoxtown, we end up with a massive problem, and none of it our own doing.

The SFA/SPFL have lost the confidence of Scottish Football Supporters, that’s if they ever had the confidence. You Mr Maxwell, and your colleagues have sat back in your comfy seat and did absolutely nothing to aid the clubs in Scotland, well maybe with the exception of one club, the newest one in the SPL. The silence coming out of Hampden is deafening, there were teams playing all over Europe last night with supporters in attendance, have you put any pressure on the Scottish Government to have fans inside stadiums in Scotland?

I’ll make one last point Mr Maxwell, and it’s got nothing to do with the pandemic, although it seems like a virus. In this historic season when Glasgow Celtic are attempting to write even more history by winning Ten in a Row, it seems that every attempt will be taken by the SFA/SPFL to stop us doing that. The appointment of John Beaton as referee is a complete slap in the face to Celtic and our supporters. Beaton does not even try to hide where his allegiances lie. The last time he officiated at a Glasgow Derby, he had a shameful display of bias against one team, and after that match, he received the full backing of the SFA.

Mr Maxwell, you and your Brethren can try all you like, but you will not succeed in your quest of stopping Ten in a Row.

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