New season, but nothing has changed, that's a chinch !!

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

New season, but nothing has changed, that's a chinch !!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:07 pm

That’s it started again, our defence of our title couldn’t have had a more dangerous beginning than a visit from a Jim Goodwin rejuvenated Aberdeen. I firmly believe that Aberdeen will be a top six team this season and could actually have a big influence on where the title ends up, which I obviously believe will be back at its natural home in the trophy room at Celtic Park.

It was a good victory yesterday for the Champions, although it should have been by a greater margin, I thought the first thirty minutes were outstanding from Celtic, the pace and movement was a joy to watch, we could have, and should have been about three up in that period, but any victory to start off our title challenge was welcome, we have three more points than after our first match last season, and that’s now thirty three games unbeaten.

I watched the highlights of the game on Sportscene last night, and again this morning, and I did that for one simple reason, basically to confirm my belief that the BBC would continue to grovel to the tribute act posing as Rangers. How embarrassing was their very public apology, did the BBC actually do anything that they needed to apologise for? I believe the answer to that is a Big No, but one thing it proved was, Bullying and Intimidation works in Scottish Football, that’s the only explanation for the BBC’s behaviour, and the continued bias by the main stream Scottish Sports Media.

Another thing puzzles me greatly, how does a team who refuse to take part in any promotion of the SPFL’s major sponsor, still receive payment from that sponsor? Why are the SPFL and all the other teams within that organisation allowing this to continue? Would any other team be allowed to continue like that? I made a point of watching Sportscene from Saturday night on catch-up this morning, and the after match interviews from Livingston were conducted on the pitch, obviously so that no adverts for Cinch were on show, again would any other team be afforded that privilege? I certainly don’t think so.

So that’s it, the new season has just started and one team in Scotland want to show every other team that they can do as they like with impunity, the other teams need to grow some, and stand up for themselves. One final point, it’s getting desperate now for Celtic supporters trying to get tickets for away matches, more clubs are cutting our allocation, and putting the prices up to make up for the shortfall, and even worse, the tickets they are cutting off the Celtic supporters, they are selling them to the same supporters at a vastly enhanced price as hospitality tickets, that’s an absolute scandal, and also financial suicide.

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