A misleading statement from Maxwell. Less than honest Officials for the Cup Final

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

A misleading statement from Maxwell. Less than honest Officials for the Cup Final

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue May 23, 2023 11:58 am

I toyed with the idea this morning of writing to Ian Maxwell at the SFA, but I thought, why waste my time? I’m not worried about wasting his time, since that’s all he’s done since taking over his role at the SFA, since he’s not concerned about wasting his time, neither am I.

I read some of his comments this morning regarding the Cup Final, I think Mr Maxwell is being economical with the truth in his interview. He states that he spoke to Inverness and they were happier with a later kick off. Actually Inverness wanted a traditional 3pm kick off, but they were asked if they would prefer 12.30 or 5.30, they obviously would prefer later because of transport problems coming from the Highlands.

Now I know that Maxwell never consulted Celtic about the kick off time, and I know that Celtic were certainly not happy with a change of kick off. They spoke to Maxwell at the semi-final and made it clear that they expected the traditional kick off time of 3pm. The next they heard from Maxwell was to inform (not consult) Celtic that the kick off would be 6pm. Celtic strongly opposed that, and Maxwell came back with his solution of 5.30pm. This was all done to pamper to BBC, who put the square root of nothing into Scottish Football. No consideration was given whatsoever to the life blood of Scottish Football, the Supporters.

Finally, Maxwell and his Brother Crawford Allan have once again rubbed the noses of the Celtic Support into the dirt with their Cup Final Match Officials announcement. John Beaton, that well know anti-Celtic official with be the man in the middle. And the other Brother on VAR will be Steven Mc Lean, the brother of an ex-Rangers player, who will of course be completely impartial, “NOT”. Let me tell you this Mr Maxwell, there will be 60,000 supporters at Celtic Park on Saturday, if you asked all the adults present, (and I include the Aberdeen fans in that) if they thought the match officials in Scotland were “Honest and Fair” not one single supporter would agree. “Corrupt to the Core”

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