Sevco bullying & intimidation. Tell Hearts like Sevco, shove your tickets.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Sevco bullying & intimidation. Tell Hearts like Sevco, shove your tickets.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:10 pm

Well it worked for Sevco, all the bullying and intimidation of Neil Doncaster and Murdoch McLennan, and the lack of support for the two from the majority of clubs in Scotland, has resulted in Sevco getting an apology and probably compensation from the SPL, which is a shocking state of affairs, and basically bordering on corruption.

To be clear, when the Cinch deal was discussed at first, there were obviously a set of conditions that were attached to the deal. One condition, and this is the one Sevco jumped on, was an existing agreement with a Sponsor which would be diluted by the Cinch deal, Sevco claimed they had an existing contract with Parks of Hamilton, or the Parks Group. They were asked to produce the contract for verification purposes, it took them a full year to produce a contract, why the delay?

The SPL also looked at all the matches that had been played at Ibrox up until that time. Strangely again, not once were there any signs of sponsorship from the Parks Group, so according to Sevco, Parks were their major sponsors, but they weren’t actually doing any promoting of their company business, what a waste of money, but then again, pouring your money into Sevco has proved to be a waste of money anyway, well if it’s based on success that is.

I think it’s pretty clear why Sevco wanted rid of Doncaster and McLennan, it boiled down to the decision to call the SPL title in May 2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Because they called it early, It also allowed the SPL to pay out the money to the twelve clubs, some of those clubs would probably have struggled to continue without their payments. But of course the big sticking point for Newco was that it completed our Nine in a Row, and gave Celtic the opportunity to do the magical Ten. Sadly that didn’t happen, and I sincerely believe the Covid Pandemic played a massive part in that as well.

So Keith Jackson and his colleagues can enjoy their teams victory over the big bad SPL, it’s the only victory their teams had, it must really annoy them having to report, that out of the last 21 trophies available, Celtic have won 17 of them, now that’s what you call dominating Scottish Football. You can also bet on another thing, Sevco will do their best to force the resignation of Doncaster and McLennan, and you can also bet, that they will have a preferred candidate waiting in the wings to be nominated, one who you won’t see in the stands of Celtic Park any given Saturday, but was probably on parade somewhere last Wednesday.

And briefly, it was nice of Sevco to say they are making available 700 tickets to the Celtic supporters for the visit to Snake Mountain on September 3rd, as I said last week, they can shove their 700 tickets, until they talk real acceptable allocations. It was also made out by the MSM that it was an olive branch from that Mob, nonsense, those clowns started that situation because their own supporters were sick to the teeth (well the ones they have left after the battles of last Wednesday) of watching the Celtic Support singing at dancing at Bigotdome. And I would also be saying the same to their cousins from Edinburgh, tell them to stick their 600 as well. I’ve said many times in the past, we as the Celtic Support need to take control of this ticket situation, a selective Bhoycott of some clubs should do the trick. The mere fact clubs can discriminate against other clubs with impunity needs to be challenged, Hearts can gibe Hibs a full stand of 4,000, but want to offer Celtic 600, not for me.
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