Keevins and the Hack's at it again. Same Circus, different Clowns !!

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Keevins and the Hack's at it again. Same Circus, different Clowns !!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:54 am

Another week of the Scottish sports writers’ bigging up the club that’s just into its second decade of existence, and trying to undermine the work of Celtic Football Club. Yesterday it was once again Hugh Keevins to the fore, with an article which was completely negative, that clown never had one positive thing to say about Celtic, he just stopped short of predicting Sevco would win a treble this year, but that will come in the next few weeks, he’ll predict a Sevco league title, and if he gives us anything, he’ll throw in the Scottish or League Cup for Celtic. To undermine a team which has won 17 of the last 21 trophies available is surely, either “Gross Stupidity” or “Blatant Bias” I’m going for the latter.

It’s not just Keevins, they’re all at it, the hack’s that is, their faces told a story at the press conference to announce Brendan, you would thought someone had stolen their play piece and their school bag. I remember the predictions of Keevins and his mob last season, everyone with the exception of Mark Wilson predicted a Sevco league title, that worked out well for them, why do they never learn, it’s the hope that kills them, the Oldco went into Liquidation chasing the Big Cup, and they are on their way to a repeat of that, they spend money they don’t have to try to keep close to Celtic, and they are not close to achieving that. Glasgow Celtic are an Elite Club, run professionally by Elite Board Members and Staff, with an Elite Manager, Staff and Players, Bullying and Intimidation won’t work against Celtic Football Club.

The tour of Japan has worked well for Celtic, we’ve got a lot of players game time in an extreme environment, and it let the new Bhoy’s get to know their team mates, and get comfortable in their company. Commercially it’s been a massive success, to see the numbers of Japanese Nationals wearing the Hoops was a sight to behold, I remember that happening when we had Naka, but this is on another level altogether. Saturday in Dublin will be another massive occasion playing against English Premier League Wolves, that will be a real test in football terms, it allows our players to play against players who are competing at the very top level every week, I know some of ours have ambitions to play in the EPL, well this is an opportunity to show they’re good enough to do that, if you perform at the highest level for Celtic, both in Scotland and Europe, then you will achieve your goal, but only once you have served Celtic well.

I’m looking forward to getting back to Paradise on Tuesday night for the James Forrest Testimonial Match versus Athletic Club. Jamsie has been an exceptional player for Celtic, he’s won 22 trophies since making his debut 13 years ago, he’s very quiet and unassuming Bhoy, very shy, but very friendly. I remember being at a Presentation Dinner/Dance for St Patrick’s Bhoy’s Club in the Kerrydale Suite a few years ago, there must have been about 200 young boys in attendance, and James presented every trophy to every one of them, and all done with a smile on his face, and of course, at least one photo with every one of them as well. Congratulations James, there is still more trophies for you to win at Celtic, Wee Bobby might be looking over his shoulder.

I’m meeting with Michael Nicholson on Wednesday morning, this will be our first meeting of the new season. As you would imagine, the main topic on the agenda will be the ticket allocation for Snake Mountain, my position hasn’t changed, unless we are offered an allocation of at least 5%, and have guarantees of safety for our Supporters and Staff, then my personal position will be to keep them, and we’ll keep ours for Celtic Park. Nothing has changed with the mob over in Govan, they might have a new Chairman and CEO, but it’s the “Same Circus, just different Clowns”

Glasgow’s still Green & White.

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