Inept display. Obviously much more work to be done.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Inept display. Obviously much more work to be done.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:31 pm

Just where do we start with yesterdays inept display down in Kilmarnock? That must be one of the worst displays I’ve seen in nearly seventy years of watching Celtic play. I’ve seen poorer teams in terms of natural ability, but I don’t think I’ve seen a worse display in terms of lack of fight and determination, I’m a big supporter of Brendan, but it’s down to him to sort that out, and it’s down to him to sort out the team selection and tactics as well.

The first 30 minutes at Kilmarnock were fine, we had a lot of intensity and possession, and should have had the game won by half time with the number of clear chances we had, but they were squandered, and sadly mostly by Oh, who gave everything he had running the front line on his own. Some supporters were talking about “Fair weather players” I’m not sure if that was the case, but if any players come to Scotland to play for Celtic and thinks the sun will be shining all the time, he should have stuck in more at school, especially at Geography and Weather Traits.

After Brendan said we got bullied last Sunday in Perth, we got bullied again down in Kilmarnock, we certainly missed Cameron Carter-Vickers yesterday, but the players who played must accept responsibility, our left side of the team looked particularly exposed and lightweight, it’s been like that for a few games now. We can’t compare the present team to Martin O’Neill’s team, but what would we give for a back three of Johan Mjallby, Bobo Balde, and Joos Valgaeren, all three were monsters on the pitch, and certainly were never bullied, even by the very top players in Europe.

There is clearly more work to be done on the training pitch, and there is certainly more work to be done in the transfer market, both in and out. We have over 30 players in the first team squad, and about another 10 out on loan, that’s over 40 players, and I’ve got as much chance of playing as, about 15 of them. We must get back on track now, the most important target is to win the League, that is paramount to our future, I want to beat Feyenoord on Wednesday night, but not at the expense of losing points against hearts on Saturday. So let me state quite clearly, I have not lost confidence in Brendan, I can’t think of another manager more suited to the Celtic manager’s job, we all need to knuckle down and get the job done, no more slip ups.
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