Hoopy Day's in Paradise.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 283
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Hoopy Day's in Paradise.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:42 am

The hardest thing for any Celtic supporter to do these days is to look unhappy. There is so much to look forward to for the coming years; and plenty of opportunities to celebrate as well I suspect.

The appointment of Brendan Rodgers was the kick start we needed to get our mojo back. Although we were reasonably successful in the last couple of seasons; the football on offer wasn’t always that pleasing on the eye.

Now we have so much to look forward to. It looks like we are fast approaching a sell out of season tickets; I think the ticket office staff may be due a bonus for all the hours of hard work over the last couple of weeks.

I also think the clear out of players has already started; and we will see new players coming in fairly soon. I also believe there will be at least two marquee signings; with at least one being a striker.

The players already at the club will be buzzing as well. It is a new beginning for every one of them. There will be a few players who feel they never did themselves justice last season. There will also be players pushing for a starting place that they didn’t get last season.

The thing is; we already have a team full of champions; so realistically it shouldn’t need too much tweaking; the Brendan effect and a full Celtic Park should be enough incentive for the players to perform to the best of their ability.

Sadly for our friends (no laughing now) in the Scottish Media it’s not all that rosy over at Sevco Land. They are seriously trying to play up the first appearance in the top tier of Scottish Football by Sevco as the reason for appointing Brendan. Deluded just doesn’t cover it.

As for Sevco themselves; we haven’t seen too much in the way of Dodgy Dave’s big war chest up until now. And if they thought Big Mike Ashley was going to roll over; they are in for a shock.

Mr Regan over at the SFA will also have an uncomfortable summer; although I’m sure he will manage to get himself and his cronies over to France for the Championship that Scotland didn’t qualify for; obviously at no expense to themselves. The man has been a total disaster in Scottish Football; maybe his friends over in Govan would disagree; but they would be the only ones to disagree.

The Bhoys behind the Resolution 12 campaign are like Big Mike; they aren’t going away; and they are smart enough to keep the fight going; no matter how long it takes. So Dodgy Dave and Regan and all the others who were part of the Five Way Agreement might need some help getting to sleep at night.

In a little more than four weeks we will be starting our European campaign in earnest. Hopefully by that time our squad will be reasonably settled; and our new players will be in place. That’s not to say some work in the transfer market won’t happen closer to deadline day.

It will be a good summer for the Celtic supporters; I believe we will see the famous green and white hoops on display all over the world as we lap up the prospect of a very exciting and successful season. Hoopy Holiday Bhoys and Ghirls. Enjoy and above all; Be Safe.

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