"Why Are we Paranoid ??"

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

"Why Are we Paranoid ??"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed May 20, 2009 4:54 pm

Its a question often asked, and seldom answered, lets take the events of last week, Charlie Mugrew gets sent off in 17 minutes for standing up, Scumbag Kyle Lafferty ( and i use his real name so people dont get confused ), rolls about and get Charlie sent off, CHEATING!!!!! well make your own mind up, what happens next???, Wattie tells evrerybody that he has spoken to him and that is enough, who joins in, none other than ex Ranger Gordon Smith, he tells us Wattie must be admired for his stand, what a load of bollocks. Aberdeen have played for 73 minutes with a man short, in fact Rangers should have been playing with 10 men because Lafferty should have been sent off, added to that, Boogies sending off, they would have nine men, would that have affected the result??.
I think, i'm sure it was Davie Hay who said lets get out of here, its time our major Shareholder said the same, enough is enough
Finally, everyone has heard by now, Stuart Dougall is guest speaker at a Masonic Club in Larhall on Friday night, i take it's not a fund raiser for a trip to Lourdes, his fellow speaker is none other than Graig Brown, another self confessed HUN.
Keep the Faith.

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Re: "Why Are we Paranoid ??"

Postby gert/canada » Thu May 21, 2009 3:54 am

Just when you think that things are changing for the better for all in Scotland , little do we know that behind the closed doors of the chequered halls the silent speakers of the codes are at thier vile best . Trying everything in there powers to keep Rankers afloat. This should come as no suprise to the Celtic masses . This is Scotland in 2000,s the same as it was in the 1900,s and the same as it,s going to be in the years to come. The only way to beat them is to be bigger and better than them . Tell our children to try harder at school ,be tougher in sports , aspire to be better people . AND PLEASE GOD PLEASE GET US A NEW MANAGER

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