Bigotry at away matches

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Bigotry at away matches

Postby goldengloves » Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:43 pm

I am one fan who wants to see the end to bigotry in the celtic away support. The minority brings the club down. I also hate hearing the stupid paranoia from celtic and rangers fans when something goes against us.

But on a good note I think we have to applaud the efforts of Gordon Strachan. Lets all get behind Mowbray from the start; after all we are one of the best and most respected clubs in the world. Bring on europe!

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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby nelmo » Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:39 pm

I am one fan who wants to see the end to bigotry in the celtic away support. The minority brings the club down. I also hate hearing the stupid paranoia from celtic and rangers fans when something goes against us.

But on a good note I think we have to applaud the efforts of Gordon Strachan. Lets all get behind Mowbray from the start; after all we are one of the best and most respected clubs in the world. Bring on europe!

our supporters u are having dig at are also the best and most respected in my eyes. keep the faith:hammer:

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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby tomasocarthaigh » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:24 pm

There is an element among our fans that would not make one roud to be a Celtic fan, Rankers unfortunalty do not have a monopoly on bigotry...

It makes our club look bad... why stoop as low as the Rankers?

A facet of this on display is the so called "No more 'Old Firm'" campaign, we both are Glasgow, we ARE the old firm, thats the name for our rivalry...

A lot are jumping on the bandwagon of the tragic death of Mc Daid in Belfast, that was thugs among the Rangers support, but not all of them are like that (maybe 99.999% - just joking) before the last troubles kicked off a rotestant man was kicked to death in 68/69 in a similar fashion, not for politics or anything, only over soccer.

We have to move beyond bigotry.

Rupert The Tim
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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby Rupert The Tim » Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:05 am

Just joined the Forum so sorry so late with this comment. I'm not denying that the behaviour of supporters at away matches has been the subject of concern to the Club. Despite this I hold our supporters in the highest esteem.

To have a proper discussion we need to establish the [B:e29b9fd8]exact[/B:e29b9fd8] nature of the 'bigotry' at away matches to which you object. Is it only the 'no more Old Firm' stance that offends you? You indicate that this only one facet so what are the others?

We are not in my opinion part of any association with Rangers Football Club other than as members of the same football associations and bitter rivals as we are with other teams. We may discuss shared concerns such as SKY ESPN but that's it. The term 'Old Firm' should never ever be used as it suggests some sort of affinity or partnership with them.

One death is one too many. Nobody jumped on a bandwagon following Mr McDaid's (RIP) death. The 'bandwagon' of those against these thugs has been rolling for centuries and this latest vicious display of sectarianism appalls but does not unfortunately, surprise. Nor does the death of the gentleman (RIP) in 68/69 make either act any less abhorrent.

Credit to the CSA for acting in the way they did in suppport of The McDaid Family.

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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby max » Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:45 pm

Although I agree that we have a right to sing 'certain' songs as our Irish heratage, I don't see why other 'certain' songs have to be sung to show how proud we are of that heratage.
These songs aren't sung by international supporters in football, rugby or any other sport for that matter, and they seem to display their pride and patriotism perfectly well without them, so why is it necessary that they are sung at Celtic games.
The only reason I can see is the wind up, and if that's the case we're playing right into their hands.

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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby EDN1CSC » Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:56 pm

I am one fan who wants to see the end to bigotry in the celtic away support. The minority brings the club down. I also hate hearing the stupid paranoia from celtic and rangers fans when something goes against us.

But on a good note I think we have to applaud the efforts of Gordon Strachan. Lets all get behind Mowbray from the start; after all we are one of the best and most respected clubs in the world. Bring on europe!

Do you go to away games?

Define bigotry....

I dont hear any bigotry at away games the only song which you could maybe put in that category is 'roamin in the gloamin' which is a song i dont like at all and would never sing.

Yes, there are political songs sung at away games and other irish songs but they are not secterian. Even the board have now started refering to them as 'political'.

These songs are not sung by international support which is correct but we arn't an international team we are Celtic.

And goldengloves going on about paranoia, i dont mean to sound cheeky but you seem very very nieve. Have you just started following Celtic?

Celtic are a club open to all just look at some of the greatest Celts, Big jock, Danny McGrain, Kenny Dalglish, Roy Aitken, Tommy Gemmell and many more all Protestants. It has never bothered us what you are as long as you know what it means to wear the hoops.

Theres a difference between political songs and sectarian songs.

It seems some people have been listening to Keevins and Co too much and getting there information from rags like the Daily Record and The Sun.

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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby EDN1CSC » Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:59 pm

Just joined the Forum so sorry so late with this comment. I'm not denying that the behaviour of supporters at away matches has been the subject of concern to the Club. Despite this I hold our supporters in the highest esteem.

To have a proper discussion we need to establish the [B:97217afa]exact[/B:97217afa] nature of the 'bigotry' at away matches to which you object. Is it only the 'no more Old Firm' stance that offends you? You indicate that this only one facet so what are the others?

We are not in my opinion part of any association with Rangers Football Club other than as members of the same football associations and bitter rivals as we are with other teams. We may discuss shared concerns such as SKY ESPN but that's it. The term 'Old Firm' should never ever be used as it suggests some sort of affinity or partnership with them.

One death is one too many. Nobody jumped on a bandwagon following Mr McDaid's (RIP) death. The 'bandwagon' of those against these thugs has been rolling for centuries and this latest vicious display of sectarianism appalls but does not unfortunately, surprise. Nor does the death of the gentleman (RIP) in 68/69 make either act any less abhorrent.

Credit to the CSA for acting in the way they did in suppport of The McDaid Family.

Well said mate

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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby tim4life1997 » Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:32 pm

''bigotry'' at away matches is in some cases wrong but ''let the people sing'' being deemed racist that is shocking rangers sing their vile no surrender and get away with it but we cant sing a family friendly song thats terrible PS: is it just me or is it that touchline rangers:poop: fans r getting uglier all the time just wondering...

RANGERS R:poop:!

belmullet bhoy
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Re: Bigotry at away matches

Postby belmullet bhoy » Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:31 am

why are songs that are historical to a nation,sung by the best supporters in the world,whether at home or abroad,where every person is part of the celtic family and enjoy singing ballads that were written about our past,i for one will sing about my countrys past and present and will never bow to the few,celtic fc is bigger for its fans as well as its history,hail hail one and all,rangers are :poop::poop:

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