Police Warn Celtic Fans

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Police Warn Celtic Fans

Postby jimbob » Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:31 pm

SUPPORTERS' coaches travelling to the Hibernian versus Celtic match this Sunday, December 7, from the West should travel to Easter Road via the City Bypass (south) and not via Leith.

And Lothian and Borders Police Road Policing Branch have released a statement regarding alcohol on supporters' buses.

"During recent months, it has become apparent that various groups of supporters travelling to and from Edinburgh for Scottish Premier League (SPL) fixtures have been openly disregarding certain provisions of The Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act, 1995, in relation to alcohol and supporters buses.

"Although the above legislation is fairly complex, it basically makes it an offence for any person to be drunk or to carry alcohol on a bus that is capable of carrying nine or more supporters, and that is hired for the purpose of conveying supporters to or from a senior football fixture in Scotland.

"The onus for ensuring there are no drunken supporters or alcohol on a supporters' bus falls on several people. Any supporter found to be drunk or carrying alcohol on a supporters bus' would be liable to arrest, imprisonment and a substantial fine.

"In addition to the supporter, the driver, the hirer of the bus and the bus operator would also be reported and similar penalties would apply.

"On match days, a team of officers will now be specifically tasked to carry out checks on supporters' buses to ensure the aforementioned legislation is being adhered to.

"Lothian and Borders Police would encourage all supporters, regardless of their team affiliation, to enjoy visiting Edinburgh to support their team. We would, however, ask for your co-operation in ensuring that this enjoyment is not spoilt by those who continue to be drunk, or to carry alcohol, on football supporters' buses."

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Re: Police Warn Celtic Fans

Postby max » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:30 pm

Why is this statement released before a Celtic game???
If you see the ammount of "Celtic warned about booze" stories on NewsNow you might get the gist.
Celtic once again done up like a kipper by the poodles, minty's media machine runs deep!!!

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