absolute humiliation

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absolute humiliation

Postby MrBenn » Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:29 pm

The Scottish cup semi defeat was the worst i have ever seen from a Celtic side and I saw my first game in the late 60's.Utter garbage.If i never saw any of those players in the hoops again it wiuld be too soon

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby kevza » Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:07 pm

Taken from another forum.

After today's pitiful team performance I headed over to Celtic Park. There was a small but angry mob of around 30 people in attendance and all in the 30 – 60 age group so no young yins and cops galore around the place.

The team bus arrived and every single player took fully merited pelters from a lot of the support standing in wait. Lennon was first off the bus and headed for the front door entrance at the main stand appearing as apologetic as a human could ever look. Then one by one the players departed the bus all to a loud chorus of boos from some but not all of the support. Keane tried to apologise but one fan was as vocal to him as the rest and Keane turned away before heading to his car. Fair play to him he still made himself available to any kid wanting an autograph and kept on apologising.

Things were bad but rapidly deteriorated when McGeady left the team bus. The heckling he received wasn’t any louder than anyone else’s but as is his way he took it upon himself to start mouthing back at the support which caused tempers to fray and the Police to move in stop small pockets of the support getting to him. That wasn’t the end of matters though as McGeady kept shouting back at punters only adding to their ire. When one considers how appalling he was today he’s about the last player who should have opened his mouth but nope he kept arguing back with two supporters comments particularly standing out. The first was a fairly clear message “fcuk aff to England ya wee £%@$” and the second more subtle from an observer in the pensioner age group; “wee Strachan had your number all along McGeady”.

A little while later Darren O’Dea was embroiled in words with some supporters asking them “what did they want him to do” which as you can imagine opened up a few ripostes from those challenging his and the teams performance that day.

Naylor, Brown, N’Guemo and others kept their heads down as they walked towards their cars but the biggest jeer was definitely reserved for Samaras who took an absolute pounding. There’s no doubt he’s a target at matches from some supporters but was he any worse than his team-mates today? No matter, he walked towards his car still willing to acknowledge any kid asking for his autograph while their Dad was questioning his parentage.

The crowd of around now 50 supporters quickly dispersed and 15-20 minutes later Neil Lennon departed the main door and walked towards the small pocket of around 20 fans remaining. Lennon apologised to everyone in attendance and in all honestly for the first time I can recollect he looked a broken man. Give him his utmost due though as he said to all remaining supporters he would openly answer every question they had as it was the least he could do.

He was asked by one supporter why Samaras continues to start and replied he believed “The wide open spaces of Hampden would suit his style plus as he had scored 15 goals this season thought he was the man to do the business today. Unfortunately it didn’t happen”. This led to an older supporter advising Lennon that “Samaras was in (his opinion) the biggest shite bag he’d seen in 60 years supporting the team”. Lennon to be fair didn’t get into an argument over this and took the persons clear point on board.

I then asked him why he doesn’t play Brown, N’Guemo and Crosas together as the midfield two is being over-run so often this season by a lot of teams. His response was he had considered that before the game but felt Robbie would be isolated as Fortune was supposed to play through the middle as a 4-4-2 with Samaras wide left in midfield. He followed this up by saying both Fortune and Samaras disappointed him and he would be unlikely to start the both of them on Tuesday.

Questions continued to flow his way and to his great credit he answered every one put to him openly and honestly, some of his answers I’m not able to repeat here and you’ll understand why at the seasons end.

For everyone’s information neither Peter Lawwell nor John Reid showed up at the stadium during this period which was just as well as they were without any shadow of a doubt the real target of anger of most people hanging around the ground

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby kevza » Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:40 pm

Players should be asked donate this weeks wages to charity.

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby GARRIE » Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:32 pm

Three words sum up the display and most of the current squad,

Clueless , gutless , spineless

I would like to know answers to a few questions,

Who the f--- managed to convince Josh Thomson that he could play football

Why does McGeady consistently under perform on the big occasions

Why did Mowbray get rid of McDonald , Robson and McManus and replace them with absolute sh--e

I in now way blame Lennon - this is Mowbrays team - and i would like him to have a shot next season with a few quid to buy some players who will at least get battered in.

P S - Fair play to the guy who had a go at McGeady in the car park on Saturday - if i had performed like he did i would have hung my head in shame and took on the chin any slagging - it was thoroughly deserved.

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby offshorebhoy » Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:36 pm

fair play to lenny he is a supporter and feels the same way as us, but a could tell what darren o'dea can do he could learn to fuckin tackle and grow a heart the useless cunt and mcgeady needs a boot on the baws.

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby BMURPHY1888 » Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:30 am

mcgeady was useless as per usual in my opinion. the several times he lost possesion he never even tried to win the ball back. my eyes have been opened up big time to the player some fans compare to wee jinky - pure shite. couldnae lace the wee mans boots. if im being honest we will be lucky to get £2million for him. PL would have us believe there has been massive bids in from all over the europe for aids but the truth is there hasnt been one single bid EVER. we need more honesty from the board. papers this morning talking of us using the MASSIVE fee we will get for him to build a new team. who are they trying to kid. i want answers befroe renewal time


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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby Paul » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:56 am

fair play to lenny he is a supporter and feels the same way as us, but a could tell what darren o'dea can do he could learn to fuckin tackle and grow a heart the useless cunt and mcgeady needs a boot on the baws.
But surely as a "real fan" you cant say that about our players, can you? Or is it ok cos you go to the games?

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:32 pm

I think with all due respect we have to watch the tone of the language on site there could be young kids reading this.

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby max » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:38 pm

I'm sorry, but no one playing that day gets off the hook, including Aiden, but shouting the odds at a game and shouting foul names at a player in the street are two very different things.
If someone shouted some of the names that were shouted at Aiden, were shouted at me in the street as I was leaving work, that person would be on the recieving end of a clap round the gub!

Ps. you really should do something about that complex Paul!!

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Re: absolute humiliation

Postby offshorebhoy » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:39 pm

sorry joe al keep it clean. a support the club 100% and a back the team 100% but al have a go at players who dont pull the weight and think the fans cant have a say about it. remember max feelings where running at boiling point after the disgrace that was the ross county game.

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