Lafferty will be proved wrong.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Lafferty will be proved wrong.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:03 pm

[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]There is an old saying that Kyle Lafferty would do well to heed, the saying goes “Always make sure your brain is engaged before you put your mouth into gear”.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]The bold Laugh had me in stitches with his assertion that Rangers had better players than Celtic, and he emphasises, better younger players, and better senior players.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I don’t know where he gets his statistics from, probably from looking through the staff lists at Murray Park.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I think he will find that when it comes to handing out the individual awards at the end of the season, there will be more nominations from Celtic than from the EE.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I would be surprised if Charlie Mulgrew doesn’t win the senior Player of the Year awards, and James Forrest doesn’t win the young Player of the Year awards, but then again, you can’t guarantee anything with the Scottish Football Writers Award.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I have to say though, if the winners were picked based solely on the performance in the last two weeks we would be struggling to get anyone nominated.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I don’t want to dwell on it too much, but we have failed to live up to the fans expectations in the league Cup Final and at Snake Mountain, although I believe we could and should have won the League Cup; and I also believe the ordering off of Cha Du-Ri had a major influence on the result at Snake Mountain.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I find it surprising that a referee, who was man-handled at Celtic Park last season, finds it unacceptable to be questioned in a civil manner by a manager this season. I have to agree with Lenny, are these people allowed to blunder their way through matches with impunity?[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]I said last season, and I’ll say it again this season, Hugh Dallas might no longer be employed by the SFA, but he certainly still has an influence through his clones Collum and Murray.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]But we must learn as a team that we won’t always get a fair deal. We must learn to win in adversity, Big Jock used to say “score that many goals that they can’t chalk them all off” and he was 100% correct.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]All we need to do now is concentrate on clinching the Championship at the earliest opportunity, and I sincerely hope that it’s this Sunday at Celtic Park.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]Much as I’d love to celebrate winning it down in Kilmarnock; and ramming it down their chairman Michael Johnston’s throat, but by doing so he gets a pay day, this anti-Celtic Muppet has by circumstance managed to get a sell-out of the visitors section, one which he most certainly doesn’t deserve.[COLOR=#000000:4bb33b20]When this season eventually comes to an end, and hopefully we have won the double, there will be time for reflection on the whole sorry mess that is Scottish Football. If I had my way, I would inform the SPL of my intention to look to play our football in a different league, which would give us two years to look for a league where we would be treated fairly and as equals.


Re: Lafferty will be proved wrong.

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:08 pm

Indeed, quoting from his article he says, "we are the best team in Scotland and will be for a few years" and then goes on to say, "hopefully we'll finish second".
I'm no Stephen Hawkins but even I know best isn't second.

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Re: Lafferty will be proved wrong.

Postby tyrebhoy » Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:32 pm

This has now turned into a witchhunt on our manager and club, the sooner we look elsewhere the better, we have had 2 managers from NI and both have been subjected to abuse also family have had there share, where is Mr Salmond, The Scottish Media has to answer alot between them all no celtic what will they write I know shite sorry they already do, Please Mr Lawell earn your money now come out and fight is also sorry we lost our ally Paul McBride QC is there anybody out there to fight our corner likes Bob Kelly and Fergus McCann our support need a Champion now,


Re: Lafferty will be proved wrong.

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:07 pm

This has now turned into a witchhunt on our manager and club, the sooner we look elsewhere the better, we have had 2 managers from NI and both have been subjected to abuse also family have had there share, where is Mr Salmond, The Scottish Media has to answer alot between them all no celtic what will they write I know shite sorry they already do, Please Mr Lawell earn your money now come out and fight is also sorry we lost our ally Paul McBride QC is there anybody out there to fight our corner likes Bob Kelly and Fergus McCann our support need a Champion now,

we were neck and neck with rangers when samaras and commons gave a genuine opinion last term yet we have had it rammed down our throat ever since...laff's team are 18(8) behind and he spouts that crap yet i doubt it will be used as a brush to beat him with...his 'better' team lost a 15 point lead leading to a 4 point deficit prior to admin(and counting)so obviously its just a sad attempt to wind timmy up.if you were so professional why ley your 75% pay cut affect your performances so much that you lost 3 out of 4 prior to the old firm game?take a look in the mirror(maybe better not),even now the team you have on the park should not be there because as far as i aware not 1 penny of HMRC'S debt for this season has been paid and thats not taking into account the imminent BTC result..have your wee moment,you have cheated to even get that but i,ll accept it....if it was laudrop or gazza coming out with such comments it may make people stand up but you laff?you'll be off with greegsy,whitt,naisy and davis on a free with no money going to the club you 'love' and a fat signing on fee for say errrrr....bolton...what happens to that poor tea lady then?gonna give her a slice of you signing on fee?

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Re: Lafferty will be proved wrong.

Postby martiBhoy111 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:50 pm

I think Big Sclaff aka Hen Broon has been reading too much Blottoland. He's deluded just like that poisonous alky Leggat.

Hopefully Lenny and The Bhoys have his comments pinned on the dressing room wall for the next game and the League Winning T'Shirts's are ready with "Yer Havin a Laff" on the back.

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Re: Lafferty will be proved wrong.

Postby gert/canada » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:41 pm

Joe very suprised you give this muppet a response.

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