Csa rally 2009

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Csa rally 2009

Postby jimbob » Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:25 pm

[COLOR=Green:af987571][SIZE=5:af987571] CSA 62nd ANNUAL RALLY[/SIZE:af987571][/COLOR:af987571]

The CSA are proud to present their 62nd Annual Rally. For the first time ever, the Supporters Association Rally will be held in the Kerrydale Suite at Celtic Park, on the night of Friday the 22nd of May 2009.

All profits from this year's dinner/dance will be donated to various charities.

This years Guest of Honour, in recognition of his dedication and passion for our football club and its fans, his courage in the face of tremendous pressures, as well as his abilities on the field, will be our Holy Goalie

[URL="http://www.celticsupporterassoc.co.uk/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=42"][/URL:af987571] [B:af987571]ARTHUR BORUC[/B:af987571]

[SIZE=2:af987571][COLOR=Green:af987571][B:af987571]This years entertainment will be provided by reknowned comedian [/B:af987571]

[URL="http://www.celticsupporterassoc.co.uk/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=43"][/URL:af987571] [B:af987571]PAT ROLINK[/B:af987571]

[COLOR=SeaGreen:af987571][B:af987571]and the fantastic duo [/B:af987571][/COLOR:af987571]

[URL="http://www.celticsupporterassoc.co.uk/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=44"][/URL:af987571] [B:af987571]NO PUBLICITY[/B:af987571]

[B:af987571]Due to the overwhelming demand for tickets by CSA member clubs this event is a total sellout.[/B:af987571]

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