" Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

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Joe O'Rourke
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" Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 11, 2009 3:54 pm

Everytime i go to that obnoxnious den of iniquity, i swear i wont go back, the vile hatred coming from these so called human beings is totally abhorrent, these people could stand beside the most hated despots in history without feeling out of place, the depths they can sink to is astonishing. Long before the game started they were at it, their song book must be the smallest in football, the Sash and Bouncy Bouncy, why this particular song has not been deemed offensive i'll never know, and why there was only one arrest for sectarin breach of the peace, well thats another story, it was probably a Celtic fan anyway.
But all their bigots aren't in the stands, they have a few on the pitch as well, with Boydy, Davis, Smith and Laughferty, the latter never shook hands with one Celtic player, which i suppose is a God send with that " Swine Flu " going about.
Walter Smith and McCoist earned a few brownie points with their behaviour at the funeral of Tommy Burns last year, their sense of compassion doesn't seem to have spread to their fans, or to their staff. So this time i really mean it, no more Snake Mountain for me, i couldn't listen to that shower's bile any more.

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Re: " Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby EDN1CSC » Tue May 12, 2009 4:26 pm

I couln't make the game due to attending a wedding, have to agree with your comments about the reichstag though. The place is a breeding ground for hatred and secterianism.

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Re: " Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby VinBhoy7 » Wed May 13, 2009 11:55 am

:watermelon:Given the hue and cry about the 'IRA flag' the same headline writers turn a blind eye to a banner modelled on a wall mural painted on the wing of Long Kesh which housed the late and much lamented Billy Wright, and Johnney 'Fat Dog' Adair. Know in loyalist circles as the 'Kill all Taigs' mural it depects a demonic killer brandishing the butchers apron and charging forward. Not a whimper from the same people who ran front page stories about an 'IRA flag.' No mention either of 'Fuck the Pope and the IRA' whilst 'Simply the Best' was being touted on the loudspeakers. nor any mention of the frequent chrouses of the racist and sectarian 'Famine song.' The Scottish media knows no bounds when it comes to hypocrisy and anti Iriah/Catholic bigotry. As my old granny used to say 'what would you expect from a pig but a grunt.' :watermelon:

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Re: " Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby Tosh7 » Mon May 18, 2009 2:33 pm

I haven't been to Ibrox this season and I am not sure which game it was last season I went to there - we lost anyway but the point is; it has been a breath of fresh air not going there.

It's a sickening place full of sick people and the bile that pours from the stands I find quite overwhelming.

I can honestly say [I:c52c7538]I think[/I:c52c7538] I won't ever be back there again, ever!

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Re: " Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby shaunmoon » Wed May 27, 2009 7:35 pm

i was in magaluf on the day of our last encounter with the most bigoted club in the world . the usual i was born under a union jack , the sash and all the rest of the sectarian verbal was being hammered out at full belt . are these people still living in the middle ages ? its just the same old , same old , and sickening to listen to .

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Re: " Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby max » Thu May 28, 2009 1:49 pm

It amazes me that the Scottish media can pick out one guy from a full stadium, waving a flag no more than a yard long and a foot and a half wide and tell us his name, his girlfriends name, his girlfriends mother and fathers names, the bar he drinks in, the bus he travels on and quotes from any number of people who say they know him, within TWO days of the game.
Yet after FOUR years these same oh so thorough 'journalists' can't put a name to one person who could CLEARLY be heard singing racist sectarian songs in the San Siro Stadium, Milan in 2005, when the huns played Inter Milan behind closed doors and the only spectators at the game were the OFFICIAL rangers party and the afore mentioned 'journalists' themselves!
Including the OFFICIAL rangers party AND the 'journalists', there could only have been a few hundred rangers supporters there (certainly less than 500), and still after dodgy dave promised a "FULL ENQUIRY" into the disgraceful behaviour of those present, neither rangers fc or their lckspittles in the media have been able to come up with ONE name in FOUR YEARS!
I mean I'm no sports journalist and I could get you the names in a matter of hours, just give me the OFFICIAL list of those in attendance and add the names of the 'journalists' who were there and bingo, there you have it!

I heard the vile singing, as I'm sure most of you did, and to me it sounded VERY much like EVERYONE who was there joined in!!!

Only in Bonnie Scotland!

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Re: " Ibrox " A Cesspit of Sectarian Racist Bigotry

Postby greenheart » Thu May 28, 2009 4:52 pm

I have been in scum-hall once in my life and decided I would never go

back that was in 1963 and I have kept my word,I was young at the

time ,and I had nightmares I am sure it was all those ugly huns

gathered together at the same time ,( its great being a tim)

and we are all better looking.------Hail Hail .:alien:--lol

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