Almost £32,000 raised in the bucket collection for little Oscar Knox.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Almost £32,000 raised in the bucket collection for little Oscar Knox.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:35 pm

The Celtic supporters have surpassed themselves once again in their support of a very worthy cause, the green bucket collect on Saturday for little Oscar was exceptional to say the least. Here is the latest update.

• Over £31K collected by Green Bucket Army Collecting Funds At Scottish Premier League Match on Saturday 22nd September to Support Oscar Knox in His Brave Fight Against neuroblastoma

Glasgow, Scotland – 24th September 2012 – At last Saturday’s (22nd September) Celtic game against Dundee at Celtic Park over 200 volunteers collected money on behalf of the ‘Wee Oscar 4 Life' campaign as part of the Oscar Knox Appeal. Wee Oscar’s Green Bucket Army raised an astonishing £31,918.05 in just two hours between 13.00 pm and 3.00pm before the Scottish Premier League game.

This campaign was launched by supporters of Celtic Football Club (the Celtic family) to raise money for Oscar Knox, a four year old boy who has recently been diagnosed with high risk neuroblastoma- a rare form of cancer which mainly affects children. All funds raised on the day through the bucket collection will go directly towards helping to fund immunotherapy treatment abroad for Wee Oscar to help him beat cancer for good.

On the day, the campaign team and family were also joined by four supporters of Rangers and one supporter of Hearts. Oscar’s dad Stephen flew over from Northern Ireland and he also brought along some of Oscar’s family. Also taking part were the partners of Celtic players, Lisa Hague (Partner of Kris Commons), Alana Roe (Girlfriend of Charlie Mulgrew) and Debbie Lawlor (Girlfriend of Tony Stokes). Lisa Hague has just been appointed Patron of the Wee Oscar 4 Life campaign and commented on the day: “It was fantastic to take part and get involved on Saturday. I was overwhelmed to be asked and amazed at the support offered by the fans. I jumped at the chance to be Patron, even though I am 7 months pregnant, because this charity really stood out to me, not only because of wee Oscar but the level of support from Celtic fans. I’m determined to do as much as I can to get wee Oscar the treatment that he so desperately needs".

Oscar’s family are from Belfast and Stephen Knox commented: “We are totally blown away with what happened on Saturday, I flew over myself with a couple of friends and I am so pleased that I witnessed the generosity of the fans first hand. In particular I want to thank the entire Wee Oscar 4 Life team who led this campaign and made it happen. I would also like to thank each of the 200 strong bucket volunteers who are playing a huge part in helping to save our little boy’s life.”

Oscar is fighting stage 4 neuroblastoma, an aggressive childhood cancer which affects 1 in every 100,000 children. He is currently responding very well to treatment but unfortunately neuroblastoma has a very high relapse rate and so to give him the best chance of survival he needs immunotherapy. This helps to stimulate the immune system, so that if the neuroblastoma was to return, his own body can recognise and attack it. The treatment is not currently available to Oscar in the UK and so the family needs to take him abroad to get it. The treatment is likely to cost up to £250,000. Sadly Oscar was also born with Jacobsen Syndrome, an extremely rare chromosome disorder. There are little over 250 confirmed cases in the world, and as far as we are aware, Oscar is the only child in the world ever to have Jacobsen Syndrome and then be diagnosed with neuroblastoma. The odds of this are about TEN BILLION TO ONE.

Future planned events include :

Wee Oscar 4 Life Celtic Quiz Night
This will be held on Saturday 29th September in The Phoenix Bar (X Eastenders Bar) Gallowgate Glasgow from 19.00 pm onwards. Tickets cost £5 (over 18's only). Teams will comprise of 4 or 5 players but the organisers are happy to take individual bookings and for these people to be placed in a team.

To book tickets for this event, please email [URL="wlmailhtml:{997DF1A3-5AA9-4BFC-9406-070C82E5DF69}mid://00000019/!"][/URL:c13062f0] quoting 'Quiz' in the subject field.

Wee Oscar 4 Life Race and Auction Evening
This event will be held on the Saturday 17th November in the Kerrydale Suite at Celtic Park from 19.00 onwards. Tickets cost £5 (over 18's only). To book tickets for this event please email [URL="wlmailhtml:{997DF1A3-5AA9-4BFC-9406-070C82E5DF69}mid://00000019/!"][/URL:c13062f0] quoting 'Race' in the subject field.

Glasgow to Belfast Cycle Ride
Wee Oscar 4 Life organisers are planning a cycle from Glasgow to Belfast for St Patrick's weekend in March 2013 and will be looking for cyclist to take part in this event. Interested parties should email [URL="wlmailhtml:{997DF1A3-5AA9-4BFC-9406-070C82E5DF69}mid://00000019/!"][/URL:c13062f0] quoting 'Cycle' in the subject field and the organisers will get back to you with more details.

For more information please contact the Wee Oscar 4 Life campaign team by emailing [URL="wlmailhtml:{997DF1A3-5AA9-4BFC-9406-070C82E5DF69}mid://00000019/!"][/URL:c13062f0]. Alternatively contact the Wee Oscar 4 Life team on: 07595015203.

rinso r
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Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:44 pm

Re: Almost £32,000 raised in the bucket collection for little Oscar Knox.

Postby rinso r » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:56 pm

Fantastic!! So proud to support my Club and be a member of the Celtic Family. Good Luck to Wee Oscar and his own Family.

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