" When are we going to do something about the laptop loyal? "

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Joe O'Rourke
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" When are we going to do something about the laptop loyal? "

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:39 pm

[SIZE=3:0ba0e90e]When is Celtic going to do something about the laptop loyal? Once again the Sunday Mail’s Gordon Waddell has a go at Celtic players, this time its Glen Loovens and Scott Mc Donald. He states that Glen deserved more than a one match ban for raking his studs down the shin of Edu like a “ SNEAK “. He also says Scott was lucky to escape punishment for making a leg breaking tackle on mild mannered Lee Wilkie, to be fair to big Wilkie, he didn’t complain at the time or after it, in fact he swapped jerseys with wee Skippy after the game.[/SIZE:0ba0e90e]
[SIZE=3:0ba0e90e]Now lets get his take on the punishment given to Laugherty, he tells us that the only person he hurt was himself with his diving, after all he didn’t injure anyone, I wonder what school this Muppet went to. First of all he hurts Charlie Mulgrew by getting him sent off for nothing, in doing so he also hurts Aberdeen FC who are then down to ten men and end up losing the game, correct me if I’m wrong here, if the referee spots Laugherty’s cheating, then its he who gets sent off not ex-Celt Mulgrew, added to that Rangers have another player sent off later in the game, if my arithmetic serves me well, that would mean the Aberdeen would have had a full team and Rangers would have had nine men, would they still have lost the game ?.[/SIZE:0ba0e90e]
[SIZE=3:0ba0e90e]Its also interesting at the start of the season to see who the laptop loyal are tipping for the prizes, its usually quite easy to guess, but I was a bit bemused by Darryl Broadfoot of the Herald, he tips Celtic to win zilch, most try and cover themselves by suggesting that we will win the League Cup, but not Darryl, he predicts Celtic will win nothing next season, well that’s balanced and honest reporting for you. I could go on all day about these people, but we know who they are and most certainly so do Celtic, lets stand up and do something about it.[/SIZE:0ba0e90e]

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Re: " When are we going to do something about the laptop loyal? "

Postby kevza » Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:13 pm

Some things will never change.

I Bhoycot the lot of em. :silly:

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Re: " When are we going to do something about the laptop loyal? "

Postby scuds67 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:57 am

[B:46d5a2b2]Lets set some dates for a total non purchase of these papers' how about a couple of weekends in a row. This will let them see the impact a total boycott would have.[/B:46d5a2b2]

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Re: " When are we going to do something about the laptop loyal? "

Postby tim4life1997 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:00 pm

great message mate, gordon waddell also said his sunday mail coleague ex-celt andy walker talks b******* without astirix this can offend some people espicially young children, i bought the sunday mail because my grandad wrote a letter in but next weekend im bhoycotting this hun propaganda

HAIL HAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: " When are we going to do something about the laptop loyal? "

Postby max » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:39 pm

Why do I keep reading that the huns will be fielding the same team as last season, when it's obviously not the case?
They have signed NOBODY, but players have also left including Captain unbookable, who until he recently made an arse of himself was the best thing since sliced bread at the hunnery, since they have signed NOBODY to replace him, this can only be described as a weakend side from last season!
It seems that not only are the Scottish media deaf, they are also blind, with severe short term memory issues!!!

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