"Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:35 pm

[SIZE=3:0d79172d]Gordon Waddell’s latest attack on Peter Lawwell and Celtic Football Club reinforces everything we already knew about him; that he is a sectarian racist bigot with a lap top, who is employed by a Scottish Sunday Newspaper (Sunday Mail) this is the guy who leaked the story about the minutes silence/applause at Falkirk; he was also the one who leaked the story about the pitch at Falkirk, can you see a connection here? But his latest attack on Peter Lawwell’s faith is even more sinister.[/SIZE:0d79172d]
[SIZE=3:0d79172d]His headline on Sunday was “NEIL AND PRAY” his opening sentence was “The carpet in Peter Lawwell’s office better be thick- or his knees are going to get sore” is this what passes for journalism in Scotland? First of all he assumes that Celtic’s Chief Executive is a Roman Catholic, whether he is or isn’t is nobodies business but his own, certainly not the business of some two bob reporter. Would this clown be making these types of remarks if he thought Peter Lawwell was a Muslim? Would he have started with, the prayer mat? I very much doubt it.[/SIZE:0d79172d]

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby max » Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:41 pm

Well said Joe!
Gordon 'The Deliverance' waddle's a loathsome odious spineless bigoted racist sectarian laptop loyalist ragers whore!!
The perfect qualifications for a job in Scotlands media, infact I would go as far as to say compulsory!
Must be why he's so well liked at the scummery!!!
Nowadays, I no longer even look to the daily rectum or the sunday masons websites.
We hear alot of individual talk on this matter, but now it's time for a united front!


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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby barney1888 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:23 pm

Why are we bothered about a scumbag like waddle anyway? He"s a sad wee man, let him write what he wants if he gets him a boner. We all know what he is, so lets not bite to the eejit, he"s not worth it.

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:46 pm

So what do you suggest Barney? turn the other cheek !!!!!! i've never been one of those types, the day i stop fighting for what is right and fair will be the day i stop breathing; we need to let these people know we wont take it lying down; or like Big Tony used to say "Take it on the chin"

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby MrBenn » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:13 am

Always remember that they are scum and we are Celtic supporters.Imagine waking up every day in their shoes. Sectarian, racist, bigotted and universally hated. That is all they are

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby GWG » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:53 pm

Why are we bothered about a scumbag like waddle anyway? He"s a sad wee man, let him write what he wants if he gets him a boner. We all know what he is, so lets not bite to the eejit, he"s not worth it.

[B:c6ee13cf]Sorry friend but your wrong,
I totally agree with Joe that they must be exposed in every lie, half-truth, racist sectarian jibe, they print and broadcast. For decades they have demonised us and our club for being Catholic or Irish, or simply a Celtic supporter, every Manager / Player / Official that has come to Celtic have been treated abysmally in the Scottish media and Joe is correct that a low life bigot like Piddle Paddle Waddell has been at the forefront of the bile that’s printed in Scotland National Newspaper along with the like of Traynor / Keevins / Ralston / Jackson / Leckie / and the other wee nipples that take pride in the garbage they write, they take pride in the fact it is They!! who are at the forefront of Scottish sectarianism and They!! that are the cause of creating a narrow minded and intolerant society.
These publications and the Broadcasters thrive on the apathy of Celtic supporters that are just like yourself are not bothered what is said and printed about our dignity and aspirations when the fact is WE have the means and the tools at out disposal now through the internet to discredit their lies and fight back in such a way they despise what we say and do on the internet. It is no coincidence that the so called Scotland’s National Newspaper (Daily Record ) have opted out of the News feeds on the internet because they are being discredited on every story / exclusive that they print.
The next time you moan and play up hell about referees or SFA decisions remember that people like Smith (smudger) Pleat / Bain / Bentknee / Doncaster / and the other non-entities that control the game in Scotland are there because many Celtic supporters have endorsed their appointments simply because they cant be arsed to voice opinion and demand open and honest appointments.


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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby max » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:32 pm

It's one matter being insulted, it's another to pay for the priviledge!

"Thugs And Thieves"

Their head of sport fat boy traynor telling us the famine song is just a bit of banter, and if we didn't like it we "should pack our bags and go"!
(have you heard the FULL lyrics to the famine song Barney?)

One of their main columnists openly abusing a Catholic Priest using the 'F' word before publicly branding him a peadophile for no other reason than he was a Catholic priest, and still keeps his job at the paper!

The list is endless and I'm not even getting into the stories they choose to ignore coming from the scummery and their scumbag players and support!

Banjo boy waddle is far from an isolated incident, not only Celtic supporters, but all Catholics should refrain from paying money to pay these guys wages, either by buying their rag or visiting their website which advertisers sponsor on how many hits their site gets.

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby fernhoops » Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:52 pm

Well said JOE!!
People like Waddell need to be continually exposed for the unctuous prevaricators that they are !!

I worked a Scab on the Railway called Hugh Waddell, must be a relative.

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby offshorebhoy » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:52 pm

i dont buy the rags anymore its full of anti-celtic lies. i trust all true celtic fans feel the same and urge them not to buy this orange bile. hail hail.

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby JGG » Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:47 am

We all know its gone way beyond the ridiculous stage.Celtic,to the clubs merit give them nothing from the table,not even the merest of scraps,it obvious antagonizes the them to an extent where they refuse to give Celtic any good news.
Now the point of the matter is,why would Celtic fans buy the rag anyway when its full of lazy lying guesswork 2 and 2 together journalism ?
We are all capable of joining the dots ourselves and coming up with our own conclusions ala Lenny being appointed caretaker and us targetting Mark Hughes,These things make sense thats why we think it could happen,The hacks lie by making it sound like they have insider knowledge but the don't know any more than you or me.
and another thing(rant) how bloody arrogant and big headed of Journalist's to call themselves things like "The Voice of Football" they no damned well nothing more than Joe on the street,some ex-players maybe have a bit more knowhow on the proper internal wranklings of a club and team but certainly not some two bit journo who'd sell his grannie for an exclusive

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