CSA Constitution

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CSA Constitution

Postby Admin » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:08 pm



The organisation will be an Association of Celtic Supporters Clubs and will be named ‘The Celtic Football Club Supporters Association.’

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Aims & Objectives[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]
The Celtic F.C Supporters Association (henceforth to be referred to as ‘The Association’) will exist to serve the interests of its member branches by promoting and advancing the heritage, tradition and well being of Celtic Football Club, its Supporters Clubs and supporters.

The Association shall consist of affiliated Member branches and shall be governed by an elected Executive Council.
Membership shall be classified as honorary and ordinary.

[B:cd31b411]AIMS & OBJECTIVES[/B:cd31b411]
[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 1[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]
The aims and objectives for which the Association exists are:-

a) To represent the interests of its Member branches

b) To promote and preserve the heritage and traditions of Celtic Football Club (henceforth to be referred to as ‘Celtic F.C’), in accordance with the ideals of the Clubs’ founding fathers;

i) espousing non-exclusivity, embracing all colours, creeds and religious faiths and none

ii) affirming the Irish/Scottish identity and actively fostering the historical links with Ireland

c) To promote and facilitate amongst Members branches the active support of Celtic F.C.

d) To pursue an earnest and prominent role in the development of Celtic F.C.

e) To promote social, recreational and leisure interaction between Member branches, Celtic F.C management, staff and players, and all who are disposed toward the well-being of Celtic F.C and its supporters.

f) To acquire or dispose of premises for uses toward the advancement of these aims and objectives


[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 2[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) Membership of the Association is open to all Celtic Supporters Clubs of twenty members or more.

b) Clubs seeking membership of the Association must have their application approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by the General Council. Clubs who fail ratification, upon receipt of written declination, can appeal to the Executive Committee for review of application.

c) Each Member Branch shall appoint two Delegates to General Council to represent their Club at All Delegate Meetings.

d) Member Branches outwith 30 miles of Glasgow can appoint a local delegate who is required to be identified in writing to the General Secretary prior to attending All Delegate Meetings.

e) Member branches who fail to be represented at three consecutive All Delegate Meetings can have their membership of the Association suspended. Suspension is by the Executive Committee subject to ratification by the General Council.

f) The Association shall not be liable for debts incurred by Members Branches, or members of those branches.

[B:cd31b411]BRANCH AFFILLIATION FEES[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 3[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) Member branches must pay a yearly affiliation fee.

b) The affiliation fee shall be a set fee per member per club yearly, payable no later than 30th September each year and must be accompanied by a full listing of branch membership on official enrolment forms.


[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 4[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) Member branches may be disqualified for breaking any Rules of the Association or for any action or neglect deemed detrimental to the Aims and Objective, and welfare of the Association.

b) The Executive Committee may suspend or disqualify any Member Branch.

c) All suspensions must have a time limit and Member Branches under suspension have the right to appeal. Appeals must be lodged within fourteen days.

d) Disqualified Member Branches have the right to appeal, through their two appointed delegates at the General Council meeting. Notification of such appeals must be forwarded in letter to the General Secretary within fourteen days. Membership of the Association is maintained to all parties pending final result of appeal.

e) All appeals will be determined by General Council as per Rule 13 (k)

[B:cd31b411]GENERAL COUNCIL[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 5[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) The General Council shall comprise of Members of the Executive Council and two Delegates from each Member Branch. A Member of the Executive Council is not eligible to attend as a Member Branch Delegate.

b) A meeting of the General Council shall be held once each month, except June and July. In exceptional circumstances and subject to the approval of the General Council, meetings can take place in June and July.

c) The Executive Council may convene a Special Meeting of the General Council for the consideration of business of great urgency.

d) One quarter of the entire Branch membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum. The President shall chair the meeting. In his absence, the Vice-President will assume the same role. In the absence of both, the meeting shall elect a Chairman from the members of the Executive Council present and should no such member be present, the meeting shall elect a Chairman from the Delegates present, whereupon business shall be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Association.

e) The Chairman at General Council meetings shall have, in the case of equality, a casting vote only.

f) In the event of a difference of opinion arising at a meeting of General Council, one half of the Delegates present are entitled to claim a referendum of the entire Branch membership of the Association be taken.

[B:cd31b411]EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 6[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) The Executive Committee shall consist of 15 persons and shall include the following Office Bearers:

President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Registrar and Social Convener.

b) All Office Bearers to be elected by the General Council at the Annual General Meeting.

c) Nominations for Executive Committee positions must be made at September A.D.M.

d) Nominees for Trustees positions must serve a minimum term of one year on the Executive Committee immediately prior to nomination

e) All other Executive Committee members shall retire annually and be eligible for re-election

f) Only one member per branch shall serve as an Office Bearer and no more than two from any branch shall serve on the Executive Committee.

g) Branches from whom delegates are elected to the E.C shall be required to appoint a new delegate

h) Executive Committee members who fail to attend 75% of E.C meetings during their term of office shall be deemed ineligible for re-election.

i) Executive Committee members who miss three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deprived of office.

j) Nominees seeking election (or re-election) shall present themselves at the Annual General Meeting. Nominees not present without good cause shall have their nomination declared null and void.

k) Executive Committee members who cease to be members of the Association shall vacate their seat.

[B:cd31b411]EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 6[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

l) Executive Committee members who wish to resign shall intimate their intentions in writing. Resignations must be ratified by the General Council. Resigning members shall retain their positions until resignation has been accepted by the General Council.

m) Whereupon a vacancy, or vacancies, on the Executive Committee arises, a call for nominations will be made at the following A.D.M. In the event that nominees are greater than vacancies, an election will take place at the subsequent A.D.M.

n) The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt members for special work.

o) The President, or if absent the Vice-President, shall chair Executive Committee meetings. In the absence of both, the meeting shall elect a chair from the members present. The Chairperson, in the case of equality, shall have a casting vote only.

p) The Executive Committee may delegate powers to sub-committees from their own number, whose decisions shall be subject to ratification by the Executive Committee.

q) The Executive Committee shall have the power to guarantee trade accounts incurred by any Social Club leasing premises from the Association.

r) EC members shall not vote or actively participate in General Council meetings having already exercised such rights at Executive Council level. EC members should make themselves available at General Council meetings in the event that they are required to answer directed to them from the delegates. In such circumstances, the Chairman shall invoke Rule 13 (c) to allow EC members participate in General Council business.

s) Voting at Executive Committee meetings shall be recorded in precise detail for the information of General Council.


[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 7[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) The Trustees of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, General Secretary and Treasurer.

b) Trustees shall serve a two year period and retire for re-election as per rota:

Year One: President, Treasurer

Year Two: Vice-President, General Secretary

c) All real and/or personal estate whatsoever belonging to the Association shall be vested in the Trustees for the time being of the Association and Members thereof.

d) The Trustees shall be liable for their own acts of default and for monies which shall come to their own hands respectively.

e) Resignations from Trustee positions must be verified in writing. Resignations from Trustee positions shall be ratified by the General Council as per Rule 6 (k).

f) In the event of death, incapacity or resignation of Trustee positions, a call for nominations from existing Executive Committee members shall be made at the following A.D.M. Election of replacement shall take place at the subsequent A.D.M.

g) The Trustees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, shall have the power to borrow money on the security of all real and personal estate whatsoever belonging to the Association and shall have the power to lease, sell or sub-let, any heritage belonging to the Association.


[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 8[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) The Public Relations Officer, in conjunction and consultation with the General Secretary, shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to press and public media. All requests and enquiries from media will be directed to the P.R.O. Executive Committee members responsible for unauthorised contact or supply of information to such media shall be deemed in breach of E.C protocol and subject to disciplinary penalties and/or dismissal from office. E.C members facing disciplinary measures or dismissal are reserved the right of appeal to General Council as in Disqualification procedures (Rule 4).


[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 9[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) Three auditors, any two to act, shall be appointed annually at the A.G.M. They shall audit the books of the

Association in March, June, September and December each year, sign financial statements and balance sheets when correct, and furnish reports to Association A.G.M.

[B:cd31b411]ASSOCIATION FUNDS[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][B:cd31b411][I:cd31b411]Rule 10[/I:cd31b411][/B:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) All monies subscribed by the Members to the Association shall be the property of the Association, and not of the individual Member branches therein with the exception of branch Ticket Fund money.

b) All financial matters relating to the Association shall be subject to the approval of two-thirds of the members present at both E.C and General Council meetings.

c) The financial year will close on June 30th each year.

d) Members having an interest in the funds of the Association shall be eligible to examine the books and records of all financial transactions of the Association having given 14 days written notice of request to do so.


[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 11[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) The Association shall not dissolved without the consent of two thirds of its Members present at a meeting specifically convened for that purpose and only on the terms and conditions that the Members may determine.

[B:cd31b411]ALTERATIONS TO RULES[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 12[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) No alteration shall be made to the Constitution, except at the Annual General Meeting. Notification of amendments must be sent in writing to the General Secretary no later than 28 days prior to the AGM.

b) Amendments will be enacted to the Constitution upon the ratification of a 2/3 majority of the Executive Committee and General Council present.

c) A Rules Revision committee shall be empowered by the E.C to review, and instigate, potential amendments and additions to the Constitution. All amendments and additions proposed by the Rules Revision committee shall require ratification in accordance with Rule 12 (b).

[B:cd31b411]STANDING ORDERS[/B:cd31b411]

[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 13[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

a) Annual General Meeting : The AGM shall be held in October each year.

b) Quorum : One quarter of General Council and One-third of Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

This shall not include the Chairman.

c) Order of Business : An agenda shall be prepared by the General Secretary and issued to all member branches no later than seven days before ADM’s. Items on such agenda shall take precedence over all other business. Members wishing to introduce urgent business may seek consideration of the meeting or give notice of a motion to be discussed under any other business.

d) Suspension of Standing Orders : In the event of matters of extreme urgency, the Chairman may accept a motion for the suspension of Standing Orders. The mover of such motions must state clearly the nature and urgency of the business at the start of the meeting. Two branches other than the member branch proposing the motion must second motions for suspension of Standing Orders.

e) Minutes : No less than seven days prior to ADM’s, minutes of the previous ADM will be circulated to all member branches. The accuracy of such minutes must be adopted at the outset of the ADM. Members may raise matters arising from the minutes for the purpose of information but cannot request debate on any motion passed at previous meeting.

f) Selection of Speakers/Rules of Debate : Members shall indicate their intention to speak by raising their hand. The Chairman will indicate the order of speakers in accordance to their request to speak i.e., first raised hand to speak first, followed by second, etc.

g) Speeches :

i) Prior to addressing the meeting, members should state their name and branch.

ii) No member shall be allowed to speak more than once on any subject in debate before the meeting, a point of order or explanation except the mover of the original motion. Upon an amendment being moved, members may speak again on the amendment.

iii) Members wishing to raise a point of order shall rise immediately a breach of the rules has occurred.

[B:cd31b411]STANDING ORDERS[/B:cd31b411]
[U:cd31b411][I:cd31b411][B:cd31b411]Rule 13[/B:cd31b411][/I:cd31b411][/U:cd31b411]

iv) Members may formally move or second a motion or amendment and reserve the right to speak until later in the debate.

v) To close a debate, the Chairman shall request the mover of the amendment and then the original motion to speak in that order then proceed to the vote.

h) Interruptions : A member who interrupts a fellow member addressing the meeting (except to raise a point of order), who uses abusive language or causes disturbance and refuses to cease such behaviour when requested to do so by the Chairman shall be named by the Chair and asked to leave the meeting and not allowed to return to the proceedings until a satisfactory apology has been offered to the meeting.

i) Chairman’s Ruling : Upon a call to order of the meeting by the Chairman, the member currently speaking shall cease until requested to proceed by the Chairman. The ruling by the Chairman on any question under Standing Orders or any points of order shall be final unless challenged by no less than four members present. The ruling can then by overturned by a two-thirds majority of the members present voting in favour of the challenge.

j) Withdrawals or Additions : No motion or amendment which has been accepted by the Chairman shall be withdrawn without the unanimous consent of the meeting. Neither shall any addendum or rider be added without such consent. Should any member dissent the addendum or rider must be proposed and seconded and then treated as an ordinary amendment.

k) Voting : Voting will be by a show of hands except when a ballot is specified. In the case of a ballot, two Scrutineers or Tellers shall be appointed to count votes. The Chairman shall have a casting vote only in the event of a split vote.

l) Revising and Rescinding : No resolution shall be rescinded until three calendar months have elapsed since the date of adopting the resolution. Twenty eight days notice of rescindment of amendment must be given but the resolution shall not be rescinded or amended unless by the consent of two thirds of the members present at the meeting when it is considered. No resolution involving important issues of finance or policy shall be rescinded at any meeting unless every member eligible to attend such meeting has been duly notified and given the opportunity of being present.

[B:cd31b411]TO MEMBERS[/B:cd31b411]

Please familiarise yourself with the Rules and thus assist in maintenance of an efficient Association.

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