Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:26 pm

[COLOR=#000000:3997d2a0]On the football side of things it looks like the SFA are determined to punish Neil at every opportunity, three charges in a week is surely another record, I suppose Neil could hope that Lord Turnbull is the judge.[COLOR=#000000:3997d2a0]The SFA as usual will take the side of their official, I don’t think I have ever heard an official being criticised by them. Our referees are the butt of jokes all over Europe, and that includes Scotland’s top rated referee Craig Thomson, incidentally, Callum Murray is not amongst the six officials going to the European Championship’s in Poland and the Ukraine, just goes to show how highly he is rated.[COLOR=#000000:3997d2a0]It now seems that after a year of what seemed like improvements within Scottish Football, we are back to the old Celtic Football Club against the rest system. I had hopes that Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster would be strong enough to bring justice and transparency to Scottish Football, it would appear that is not the case.[COLOR=#000000:3997d2a0]So what will happen now? I believe that the Celtic Support will now have to make some serious decisions, if the gang of ten want change then let’s give them it, start by refusing to fill their stadiums with our supporters.[COLOR=#000000:3997d2a0]It is too late to do anything this season, but I believe that we should use the time to get organised for the new season. We should call a meeting of all the major influences within the Celtic Family, once we have a consensus of what action will be appropriate, then we can set things in motion, we need a united front to face those who seek to harm our cause.

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Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby offshorebhoy » Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:10 pm

Only in scotland can you have an assault charge dropped after admitting it and been seen by millions on tv doing it and then sending a few bombs in the post to 3 people and getting a attempt to murder dropped because your to stupid to do it right, is it me or am i missing something here i could scream with rage that this can be happening to neil lennon. As for the SFA backing there ref that was always going to happen how can you say he got it wrong then punish the manager for saying the samething. It's time Joe a know we the support have talked many times about a bhoycott but this is the time to do every away ground barring snake mountain as they would just fill it anyway no ticket policy for away grounds for next season and lets see where they are after that when they can't pay wages and bills hopefully the lot go under and uefa grant us a move with there being no decent league for us here. I am f*ckin raging about the lenny has been treated in this country pity we can do something about that. hail hail


Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:50 pm

Saw the headline about the old hoary subject about singing 'The Boys of the Old Brigade' Good Lord, are we going over all this shyte again. If people want to sing it, let them sing it. If others don't want to hear it, buy a set of ear-plugs, or just take a trip to where they sell food and refreshments and get your prawn sandwiches before the half-time rush.


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Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby tyrebhoy » Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:12 pm

Joe I read somewhere that Celtic can give 2 years warning that they intend toleave scottish football, I hope for oursake that they would have a plan worked out, this would see the shit hit the fan, as to boycotts am fed up talking is about time for action


Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:30 pm

It's time we used our financial clout and club management expertise to protect our own.
From management to players and fans.
Between the SFA, the Gang of Ten and the Scottish courts our club and traditions are under attack.


Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:00 pm

Joe I read somewhere that Celtic can give 2 years warning that they intend toleave scottish football, I hope for oursake that they would have a plan worked out, this would see the shit hit the fan, as to boycotts am fed up talking is about time for action

Guys my boycott has already started. I will not attend another away match. Lets see how they all need us.

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Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby celticdan » Tue May 01, 2012 8:21 pm

are celtic fans going to get behind a boycott of spl grounds next season

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: Do the SFA have it in for Lenny?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Sat May 05, 2012 1:18 pm

I would sincerely hope so.

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